Child Support & Spousal Support

Child Support & Spousal Support

When a couple decides to divorce, child support and spousal support become more than just words; they become realities. On top of all this, emotions are running high and may cloud their ability to reason and/or understand the law as it applies to them.

In times like this, the need for an experienced child support attorney in Bay Ridge becomes invaluable. Strazzullo Law Firm has represented divorcing families for over two decades, helping them understand what child support and spousal support laws require.

Child Support
Whether we represent the custodial or noncustodial parent, the first thing a Strazzullo divorce attorney makes clear is that child support is mandatory. No matter their income level, the noncustodial parent is responsible for contributing to the child’s financial well-being.

For those divorcing in New York State, the amount they pay is determined by a formula in a NY law known as The Child Support Standards Act based on the combined income of both parties. However, a Strazzullo attorney can petition the court to modify that payment if circumstances warrant, as their child support attorney in Brooklyn.

Both parties must understand that it doesn’t matter if the custodial parent’s income increases due to a change in employment, another marriage, or a living arrangement. The needs of the child are still the base of the child support and do not change. Thus, the noncustodial parent is still responsible.

Spousal Support
Spousal support in Brooklyn is not mandatory. Spousal support impact this; neither party will be required to pay the other. However, temporary spousal support may be in order in some cases, determined by a formula contained in NY’s statutory guidelines.

Suppose alimony, as some call spousal support, is warranted. In that case, the court will take factors into account, such as

  • The age and health of both parties
  • The length of time they have married
  • The ability of the party seeking spousal support to become self-supporting and the amount of time that will take if training or education is necessary.
  • The presence of other children in the home from previous relationships
  • The distribution of property resulting from the divorce
  • The need to pay for additional services for the children is over and above the norm. These may be child care, medical treatment, school, or other expenses.

If modifications are necessary, we impress on our clients that they must petition the court through one of the spousal support or child support modification attorneys in Bay Ridge.

Attorneys at Strazzullo Law Firm take the time to listen to their clients with a compassionate ear and explain how child support and spousal support laws apply to them and what they will and will not. Contact us today should changing circumstances require a modification in either direction.